Hi all,
i have written a script which will click on all the links in a page. the script is working fine for the first iteration while it is trying to click the second link in the page, a General Run Error is occurred. Go through the following script and correct me, suggest me.
i have written a script which will click on all the links in a page. the script is working fine for the first iteration while it is trying to click the second link in the page, a General Run Error is occurred. Go through the following script and correct me, suggest me.
set Links = Description.Create()
Links("micclass").Value = "Link"
set objLinks = Browser( "Google").Page( "Google").ChildObjects(Links)
LinkCount = objLinks.Count
msgbox LinkCount
For i = 1 To LinkCount-1
Set obj1= createobject("wscript.shell")// Iam using this to navigate to
obj1.sendkeys "{TAB}" //previous page..
obj1.sendkeys "{BS}"