Hello, I am new to QTP and having an issue with GetROProperty. Is this what I should use in this situation or is there someting better than GetROProperty. I am using QTP11 with IE7.
The following code works fine as as long as the list box does not change.
When the list box has change since the last iteration, the following error is dispayed. I am attempting to check the existence of a user, prior to adding a new one.
Cannot identify the object "prfid" (of class WebList). Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Line (94):
The following code works fine as as long as the list box does not change.
Browser("Certificate Error: Navigation_2").Page("Page_9").Link("Profile Classes").Click
Browser("Certificate Error: Navigation_2").Page("Page_3").WebList("classes").Select "User"
Browser("Certificate Error: Navigation_2").Page("Page_3").Image("P_01-over").FireEvent "onmouseover"
Browser("Certificate Error: Navigation_2").Page("Page_3").Image("P_01-over").Click
sItemsInUserList=Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebList("prfid").getroproperty("all items")
If instr(1,sItemsInUserList,sUser) > 0 Then
End If
When the list box has change since the last iteration, the following error is dispayed. I am attempting to check the existence of a user, prior to adding a new one.
Cannot identify the object "prfid" (of class WebList). Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Line (94):
"sItemsInUserList=Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebList("prfid").getroproperty("all items")".