I am new to the qtp. plz answer my question
I am using qtp 10.0 with default add-ins like Activex,VB and WEB
now am writing the script on .net application when i am adding the objects in OR i can able to add and those objects all are recognizing
but some objects are recognizing like web elements
with web elements also i can able to write the script
Is it correct way to write the script using web elements ? and can i proceed to continue without installing the .net add-in?
Many Thanks in advance
I am new to the qtp. plz answer my question
I am using qtp 10.0 with default add-ins like Activex,VB and WEB
now am writing the script on .net application when i am adding the objects in OR i can able to add and those objects all are recognizing
but some objects are recognizing like web elements
with web elements also i can able to write the script
Is it correct way to write the script using web elements ? and can i proceed to continue without installing the .net add-in?
Many Thanks in advance