Is there any way to have QTP select the first radio button?
There are 9 visable radio selections, I use a search string to bring the desired raido button to the top of the list. In this case it was ("7"). How can I get QTP to always select the first button after running a search string?
Is there any way to have QTP select the first radio button?
There are 9 visable radio selections, I use a search string to bring the desired raido button to the top of the list. In this case it was ("7"). How can I get QTP to always select the first button after running a search string?
Browser("XXX").Dialog("Explorer User Prompt").WinEdit("Enter search string:").Set "George Washington"
Browser("XXX Landing").Page("XXX Landing").Frame("TargetContent").WebRadioGroup("SINGLE_SELECT_GRID$sels$0").Select "7"