I'm experiencing a weird thing.
In my application if I select a value(Download Document) for a field, an URL text field will be displayed requesting for a path to download. If I leave this URL field blank and click on Select button an error message pop’s up saying the URL field cannot be blank.
The above scenario is working fine when we do it manually.
But when I automate the above scenario the value(Download Document) gets selected and the error message does not pop up.
The script looks like this:
I also tried by using the WScript
Please help me…
In my application if I select a value(Download Document) for a field, an URL text field will be displayed requesting for a path to download. If I leave this URL field blank and click on Select button an error message pop’s up saying the URL field cannot be blank.
The above scenario is working fine when we do it manually.
But when I automate the above scenario the value(Download Document) gets selected and the error message does not pop up.
The script looks like this:
Browser("name:=Text Format.*").Page("title:=Text Format.*").Image("file name:=s.gif").Click
Browser("name:=Text Format.*").Page("title:=Text Format.*").WebElement("innertext:=Download Document","class:=x-combo-list-item.*").Click
Browser("name:=Text Format.*").Page("title:=Text Format.*").WebEdit("name:=url_label","class:=reportField").Set ""
Browser("name:=Text Format.*").Page("title:=Text Format.*").WebButton("name:=Select").Click
I also tried by using the WScript
Set oObject=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Browser(AddItemsBrowser). oObject.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Please help me…