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Webedit embedded in a Webelement, cannot be identified - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Webedit embedded in a Webelement, cannot be identified (/Thread-Webedit-embedded-in-a-Webelement-cannot-be-identified)

Webedit embedded in a Webelement, cannot be identified - Dev509 - 07-14-2014

Hi I have a webedit which is embedded in the dynamically changing webelement, i am able to identify the dynamic webelement, however not able to identify the embedded webedit and hence not able to set a new value to it.

Here is some code i have written

Dim oDesc1        'Description Object
Set oDesc1 = Description.Create
oDesc1( "micclass" ).value = "Webtable"
oDesc1( "innertext" ).value = "\(1\) Income from fiduciary activities.*"
oDesc1( "innertext" ).regularexpression = true

tableinfo  = Browser("").Page("ReportGenerator_2").WebTable(oDesc1).GetCellData(1,11)
'msgbox tableinfo


Dim Webel
Set Webel=description.Create()
Webel("html tag").value  = "DIV"
Webel("innertext").value= tableinfo

webelinnertext = Browser("").Page("ReportGenerator_2").Webelement(Webel).GetROProperty("innertext")
'msgbox webelinnertext

'wait 3000


Dim Webed
Set Webed=description.Create()
webed("Class Name").value="WebEdit"
Webed("html tag").value= "INPUT"
Webed("visible").value= "True"
Webed("value").value = "6666"
'webedinnertext = Browser("").Page("ReportGenerator_2").WebEdit(Webed).GetROProperty("value")
'msgbox webedinnertext

Browser("").Page("ReportGenerator_2").Webedit(Webed).Set "7777"

Also here are the Webelement and Webedit details
"Class Name:=WebElement",
"class:=x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-10",
"html id:=",
"html tag:=DIV",
"outerhtml:=<DIV style=font-size:11px;font-family:'arial';color:#0000ff;text-align:Right; unselectable=on class=x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-10>6666\.00000</DIV>",

"Class Name:=WebEdit",
"class:=x-form-text x-form-field x-form-num-field x-form-focus",
"default value:=",
"html id:=ext-comp-1190",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"max length:=-1",
"outerhtml:=<INPUT type=text name= id=ext-comp-1190 autocomplete=off size=20 class=x-form-text x-form-field x-form-num-field x-form-focus style=text-align: left; width: 152px; height: 18px;>",
"width in characters:=20",

Thanks in advance