IBM MQ messaging automation - siteshag - 07-14-2014
Hi All,
Currently I am automating IBM MQ messaging from UFT.For this I am using .net factory instance.
Problem which I am facing in it is given below:
Code: Set oMQM = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDLLPath1)
After passing correct path oMQM cannot be created.Its show empty after execution.
strMQMDLLPath1:It is path of amqmdxcs.dll DLL.
Please find the code below
Code: Call FN_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_QUEUE("deepak", "WATCH.LIST.REQUEST", "SQACE_QAE", "", "CP_CLIENT","1419","","C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ Explorer\amqmdnet.dll","C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ Explorer\amqmdxcs.dll")
Function FN_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_QUEUE (strMessage,strMessageQueue,strMQManager,strRemoteMQManager,strChannel,intPort ,strHostName,strMQMDLLPath,strMQMDLLPath1)
Dim oMQEnvironment
Dim oMQM
Dim oMQC
Dim oMQMessage
Dim oMQQueue
Dim intOpenOptions
Dim QueueDll
Set oMQEnvironment = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment",strMQMDLLPath)
'Initize the Environment
'With oMQEnvironment
oMQEnvironment.HostName = strHostName
oMQEnvironment.Port = intPort '1414
oMQEnvironment.Channel = strChannel
'End with
On Error Resume Next
'Create MQ Instatnces
'throws an error when referencing amqmdnet.dll but works with amqmdxcs.dll
'Set oMQM = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDLLPath)
'QueueDll = "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ Explorer\amqmdxcs.dll"
Set oMQM = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDLLPath1)
'Check if MQM Connected
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail , "Step: Creating MQM Object" , "Unable to Connect to MQ Manager at" & strHostName
End If
Set oMQC = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQC",strMQMDLLPath)
Set oMQMessage = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQMessage",strMQMDLLPath1)
RE: IBM MQ messaging automation - maruthisunil - 10-11-2016
HI All,
can someone help me with code for pushing XML data to MQ test using QTP / UFT
RE: IBM MQ messaging automation - jayant - 10-13-2016
Try this code:
Code: Dim oMQEnvironment
Dim oMQM
Dim oMQC
Dim oMQMessage
Dim oMQQueue
Dim intOpenOptions
'strMQMDLLPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\WebSphere MQ\\bin\\amqmdnet.dll"
'strHostName= "Host Name"
'intPort = "Port Number"
'strChannel ="Channel Name"
'strMessage ="UFT Test Message"
'strMQManager = "Quemanager Name"
'strMessageQueue = "Queue Name"
' Create MQ Instances
Set oMQC = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQC",strMQMDLLPath)
'set the properties of the Queue manager
Set properties = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.Hashtable")
properties.Add oMQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, strHostName
properties.Add oMQC.PORT_PROPERTY, intPort
properties.Add oMQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, strChannel
'access the queue manager
Set oMQM = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager",strMQMDLLPath,strMQManager,properties)
'Check if MQM Connected
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail , "Step: Creating MQM Object" , "Unable to Connect to MQ Manager at" & strHostName
'Exit Test
End If
Set oMQC = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQC",strMQMDLLPath)
Set oMQMessage = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("IBM.WMQ.MQMessage",strMQMDLLPath)
'Declare Q open options
intOpenOptions = oMQC.MQOO_OUTPUT or oMQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING ' 16 + 8192
'Open the Q to post the messages
If strRemoteMQManager = "" Then
Set oMQQueue = oMQM.AccessQueue(strMessageQueue , intOpenOptions)
Set oMQQueue = oMQM.AccessQueue(strMessageQueue , intOpenOptions ,strRemoteMQManager, "","" )
End If
'Format Message
With oMQMessage
.CharacterSet = 819
End with
'Post Message
With oMQQueue
End With