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UFT object Identification Issues with Win 8 and IE 10 Browser - Printable Version

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UFT object Identification Issues with Win 8 and IE 10 Browser - rajeshnunna - 11-20-2013

I have a problem in Identifying the objects , like when I try to add objects from web application (Ex: Google Search ) the objects are identifying like Windows Object . Please find the below example .
Window("Windows Internet Explorer").WinObject("Internet Explorer_Server").Click

I have upgraded my UFT 11.5 to 11.52 . Still I am facing this Issue. Could you please suggest me what is the reason ?

My System Details :
OS : Windows 8
Browser : IE 10
UFT : 11.52


RE: UFT object Identification Issues with Win 8 and IE 10 Browser - rajeshnunna - 11-21-2013


I got an answer for this query . Launch QTP/UFT as "Run as Administrator" . In WIN&7 and WIN8 just right click on the QTP/UFT ICON you can find RUN as Administrator Option over there .

Then this will make you to Identify the objects as expected.