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Calling of function - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Calling of function (/Thread-Calling-of-function)

Calling of function - hamzaz - 07-18-2012

Hi All Smile

My question is

1) I have a

function Login(User)
Browser("Main Page").Page("Login").Webedit("userName").Set User
Browser("Main Page").Page("Login").WebButton("Login").Click
End Function

I am calling it as

But It is not taking user as a Peter at line 1.
It stucks at line 1.
It should set Peter as user in line 1.

Could you please tell me how can I set my user?

RE: Calling of function - Ankesh - 07-18-2012

You need to pass a string value. Use the below code.

Call Login("Peter")

RE: Calling of function - hamzaz - 07-18-2012

I dont want to pass a string value , I want to work just like in Java we can add a paremeter in the method like

it automatically sets the user,

i wonder how can we do this in QTP?

RE: Calling of function - Ankesh - 07-18-2012

U need to use a call statement if you want to call it as a function
Call FunctionName(Parameters)

You can call them a subroutine too.

FunctionName "<Parameters>"

RE: Calling of function - hamzaz - 07-18-2012

can u please explain a bit?

RE: Calling of function - Shridevi.Salagare - 07-25-2012

This works fine -

User = "AB"
call Login(User)

function Login(User)
Browser("Main Page").Page("Login").Webedit("userName").Set User
Browser("Main Page").Page("Login").WebButton("Login").Click
End Function

I am nto able to understand your query..could you please elablorate..