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Not recognising my objExcel - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Not recognising my objExcel (/Thread-Not-recognising-my-objExcel)

Not recognising my objExcel - mv8167 - 07-11-2011

This has been a mystery to me. When to Set my objExcel. You can say that I am very confussed.

Currently, I create a great spreadsheet called DocViewHref. I save the file then I want to use the data in my spreadsheet.

I am however getting a Run Error while accessing my data.

Object required: 'objExcel'
Function file: O:\QTP Tests\LibraryImageAccessTests-2.qfl
Line (151): " ReportType = objExcel.Cells(r,3).Value"

Dim objExcel, objFso

Call KillExcel
Call KillPDF

Call CountNumberofDocViewsLinksHrefs (objExcel, rNumber) 'Create Excel Spreedsheet

'Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application") 'Create a new Microsoft Excel object

'Keep the iterations under 20 (equates to 5 DocTypes)
If rNumber > 21 Then
    rNumber = 21
End If

For r = 2 to rNumber ' loop thru your DocView values (from 2 to rNumber or set to #)
        ReportType = objExcel.Cells(r,3).Value
        'abs_x location
        absX = objExcel.Cells(r,4).Value
        'abs_y location
        absY = objExcel.Cells(r,5).Value
        Hreff = objExcel.Cells(r,6).Value
This use to work. Im not sure if I need to reset the objExcel or not. I do not think I do.

The Call creates and saves the spreadsheet to O:\QTP Tests\QTPOutputData\DocViewHref.xls. The spreadsheet remains open.

What do I need to do differently to access my ss?


RE: Not recognising my objExcel - rajpes - 07-11-2011

objExcel.Cells(r,3) ??
how can you access a cell value without creating instances of workbook and worksheet

RE: Not recognising my objExcel - guin.anirban - 07-16-2011

Suggesting to make some google search before posting any new thread...