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QTP cannot identify my webpage - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: QTP cannot identify my webpage (/Thread-QTP-cannot-identify-my-webpage)

QTP cannot identify my webpage - Joel Abad - 04-20-2011

i'm trying to do a descriptive programming for our test website but QTP cannot recognize the page. I test the same code for other website like Yahoo and Google and it is working fine.

i'm pretty new in QTP, as i have started using this just last week. if some expert can give me a working solution it will be very much appreciated. below are my codes... i'm not sure if you can access my webpage since it's only accessible on our LAN.

'*** Yahoo!
'SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "https://login.yahoo.com","","open"
'strTitle = "Sign in to Yahoo!"

'*** Google
'SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://www.google.ca","open"
'strTitle = "Google"

'*** PTE
'SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://bptest.wmic.ins/wps/portal/broker","","open"
'strTitle = "[QA] Wawanesa Broker Portal"

' sync and get title of the initial page
With Browser("title:=" & strTitle).Page("title:=" & strTitle)

   MsgBox .GetROProperty("title")
End With

RE: QTP cannot identify my webpage - Joel Abad - 04-20-2011

is this a problem bacause of the [ ] on the page title?
i have similar problem with web page that has | on the title.

pls. help.... asap.

RE: QTP cannot identify my webpage - mbnrguy - 04-21-2011


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://bptest.wmic.ins/wps/portal/broker","","open"
strTitle = "\[QA\] Wawanesa Broker Portal"

' sync and get title of the initial page
With Browser("title:=" & strTitle).Page("title:=" & strTitle)

MsgBox .GetROProperty("title")
End With

For example the following works

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://www.seobook.com/video-google-seo-friendly-page-titles","","open"
strTitle = "\[Video\] Google \& SEO Friendly Page Titles \| SEO Book\.com"
With Browser("title:=" & strTitle).Page("title:=" & strTitle)
MsgBox .GetROProperty("title")
End With

HI, Does QTP latest version support TELERIK ? - mgurijala - 06-03-2011

i found the same question from the search but did not see any one responding to it.

can any one please tell if the latest version of QTP supports Telerik ?

Also does QTP support the IBM Tool Unica ?

RE: QTP cannot identify my webpage - Lakshman - 06-03-2011

When ever you see a special charecter(.,*{[ etc) use \ infront of that so that that character will be ignored.Special charecters will not be identified and so the error occurs.you can use .* as well but it skips all the letters after .*