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mapping database user to database - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: mapping database user to database (/Thread-mapping-database-user-to-database)

mapping database user to database - kamalteja - 10-29-2010

Though this is database query, i'm running this as part of my vb script, i've created sqldatabase user using
SQL = "Create Login sample1 WITH PASSWORD = 'Welcome1' , DEFAULT_DATABASE = DEMO "
The database user gets created successfully, however it is not mapped with the database when i verify.

using sql server 2005 sp1, i've verified in sql management studio after database user creation whether the user is mapped or not, and its not.

RE: mapping database user to database - KVK - 10-29-2010

Hi Teja,

If you are using ADODB connection in Vbscript, refer to the below site to get the correct database string to be used for 2005sp1.


Get the connection string from the above site and use it


RE: mapping database user to database - kamalteja - 11-01-2010


Yes i'm using ADODB connection and i'm able to establish the connection and create database user name and password. They are visible, however, when i check in SQL Management Studio, the user is not mapped with the database which i used while creating the user

RE: mapping database user to database - MVChowdary - 11-01-2010


See below code, it works fine.

'    Connect to the flight 32 database
    Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
    'Specify the query
    sql = "Select * from Orders"
    'Set the recordset cursor type
    Rs.CursorType = 1 'set to a Keyset cursor type
    'Execute the Query
    Rs.Open sql,Conn
    'Get the no records returned by query
    Recordcount = Rs.RecordCount
    'Adding a column to datatable
    DataTable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter "Customer_Name",""
    'Get the values from the customer_Name column
    While(NOT Rs.EOF)
    'Msgbox Rs.Fields("Customer_Name")
    For i=1 to Recordcount
    'Writing the data to the datatable
    DataTable("Customer_Name",DtGlobalSheet) = Rs.Fields("Customer_Name")
    'Exporting the Datatable to C:\DatabaseExample.xls
    DataTable.Export "C:\DatabaseExample.xls"
    'close the database connection
    Set Conn = Nothing
    Set Rs = Nothing

RE: mapping database user to database - kamalteja - 11-03-2010

The above statements only tell me how to connect and fetch data from DB, here is my script

Set Con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")  
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DBDatasource=XXXX;Database=master;Integrated Security = SSPI;DBOracle=false"
Con.Open connectionstring
SQL="Create Database XYZ"  --- the database XYZ gets created successfully
rs.open SQL, Con
Con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DBDatasource=XYZ;Database=XYZ;Integrated Security = SSPI;DBOracle=false;VNETClassLibrary=Standard"
SQL = "Create Login  <username> WITH PASSWORD = <'password'> , DEFAULT_DATABASE = XYZ "  --- the user gets created for database XYZ, however when verified in SQL Management studio the user is not mapped with the database
rs.open SQL, Con