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QTP and Excel - Printable Version

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QTP and Excel - Sonia - 02-13-2008

I am using QTP 9.2 . I was trying to write a simple login script that takes a username and password. However instead of storing the parameters in the data table I woul dlike the script to pick up the data at run time from an Excel sheet.

I know we can import excel data into data table but I dont want to use fixed parameters. I would like to keep the script separate and update the excel file with new data .

How can I make my script take data from excel during run time .?

RE: QTP and Excel - Ankur - 02-13-2008

You need to use Automation Object Model(AOM)

try this code:

Dim filepath, sheet,row,column,value  
   filepath= "C:\qtp_test.xls"
   Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
   ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open filePath //opens the excel from desired path
   Set NewSheet = ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(sheet) //selects the sheet from workbook
   value = NewSheet.Cells(row,column) //gets the value of a specified cell
   Set ExcelObj = Nothing
   msgbox value