12-18-2009, 11:31 AM
Hi ,
Here is a code which says how many weblist are there in a page and also count the items in weblist. I want to know how i should retrive the states name and display them in a msgbox or export to datatable.
and also how to use webtables with help of DP with an example.
Thanks in Advance.
email: vuru_kavi@yahoo.com
Here is a code which says how many weblist are there in a page and also count the items in weblist. I want to know how i should retrive the states name and display them in a msgbox or export to datatable.
Dim cntweblist,cnt.
Set WinListDesc=description.Create()
WinListDesc("html tag").value="SELECT"
set cntweblist=Browser("name:=iGoogle").page("title:=iGoogle").ChildObjects(WinListDesc)
msgbox "No. of WedList:" & vbnewline &cntweblist.count
cnt=Browser("iGoogle").Page("iGoogle").WebList("select").GetROProperty("items count")
msgbox "NO of items in weblist is:"&cnt
and also how to use webtables with help of DP with an example.
Thanks in Advance.
email: vuru_kavi@yahoo.com