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qtp 11 and visual c application
Not Solved
hello all,

i am trying to use qtp11 to test this visual c application
but i have this problem :
i registered these statements

Window("[window]").Dialog("dialog").WinList("LB").WinEdit("Ed").SetSelection 0,6
Window("[window]").Dialog("dialog").WinList("LB").WinEdit("Ed").Set "898989"

but when i run the test with qtp 11 the test stop and show me the following error

Object's physical description:
Native Class = Edit
miccommentproperty =
Index = 1

note i saw in the help that setSelection is used to select where write in a textfield and in the qtp help it was followed by the method "Type" i tried it too but it did no worked
can you help me please?

thank you very much

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