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qtp 11, Unable to prove the disappearance ofdynamic objects displayed on same screen.
Not Solved
I use QTP 11, Windows 7, IE 8.
In my application, there is a scenario that there are 3 webelements (like payrol, monthly, Annual). For each webelement that we select, a set of fields (webelements) are displayed below the weblement in the same screen. (ie., when a different webelement is clicked from the previous one, the fields corresponding to the previous webelement disappears and the fields corresponding to the new webelement appears).

So when I validate whether the fields corresponding to the non-selected webelement are not displayed, am getting the message "fields are DISPLAYED" which shoulnt be the case.

Please help me on how to handle this dynamic scenario.
Not Solved
ok, try out this.

Check for the x,y values of the webelement(which should not display), sure that they will be either 0,0 or negative values when they are disappered from the page.

Please let me know the outcome.

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