Please point me to the right direction. What can be used in the case below.
Script 1. Creates a new shipment (shipment number is recorded into a globaldata sheet ) example: QTP254 <- this shipment number is referenced as TR number on TR page.
Script 2. This script goes to TR list page, searches by “today’s TRs” where it gets a list of TRs created for today. One of them is the one that I need.
In order to select it, I need to click on a checkbox with TR # QTP254 (same as above shipment number), but it selects the first checkbox on the list, which is a wrong TR number.
I can not use Data TableGet, because it is using a checkbox.
What can be used here to make QTP select the correct TR number?
Please point me to the right direction. What can be used in this case below.
Script 1. Creates a new shipment (shipment number is recorded into a globaldata sheet ) example: QTP254 <- this shipment number is referenced as TR number on TR page.
Script 2. This script goes to TR list page, searches by “today’s TRs” where it gets a list of TRs created for today. One of them is the one that I need.
In order to select it, I need to click on a checkbox with TR # QTP254 (same as above shipment number), but it selects the first checkbox on the list, which is a wrong TR number.
I can not use Data TableGet, because it is using a checkbox.
What can be used here to make QTP select the correct TR number?
Please point me to the right direction. What can be used in this case below.