Hi All,
Below is the sample action code
======== Login Action ========
======== Insert_order Action ========
======== Logout Action ========
1) These are the reusable actions which I'm using
a. Login
b. Insert_order
c. Logout
2) I'm using MS excel for database.
a. login database for fields (username,password)
b. insertodrer database for fields (date, Fly From, Fly To, Flight, Name)
Question :
Now I have to create this program in a below mentioned flow
Please help me in getting these resolved.
Or what is the best way to do this type of case?
Below is the sample action code
======== Login Action ========
Dialog"Login").WinEdit"Agent Name:").Set "username"
Dialog"Login").WinEdit"Password:").SetSecure "password"
======== Insert_order Action ========
Window"Flight Reservation").ActiveX"MaskEdBox").Type "parameter1"
Window"Flight Reservation").WinComboBox"Fly From:").Select "parameter2"
Window"Flight Reservation").WinComboBox"Fly To:").Select "parameter3"
Window"Flight Reservation").WinButton"FLIGHT").Click
Window"Flight Reservation").Dialog"Flights Table").WinButton"OK").Click
Window"Flight Reservation").WinEdit"Name:").Set "parameter4"
Window"Flight Reservation").WinButton"Insert Order").Click
======== Logout Action ========
Window"Flight Reservation").WinMenu"Menu").Select "File;Exit"
1) These are the reusable actions which I'm using
a. Login
b. Insert_order
c. Logout
2) I'm using MS excel for database.
a. login database for fields (username,password)
b. insertodrer database for fields (date, Fly From, Fly To, Flight, Name)
Question :
Now I have to create this program in a below mentioned flow
call "login" action //pass parameters here (i.e. username/password from xls)
if login sucessful
call "Insert_order" action //pass parameters here (i.e. date, Fly From, Fly To, Flight, Name frm xls)
call "Logout" action
return the result of test in a separate xls files
Please help me in getting these resolved.
Or what is the best way to do this type of case?