Hi to all!
I need help about to send a request for Web Service method. I had automated a method called "createOffer". In XMLWarehouse i have createOffer XML structure to send with this method. When I try to send this XML sructure with invalid XML data, QTP shows me this message:
The createOffer operation call failed.
The .NET Framework 2.0 WSE 3.0 toolkit returned the following error:
There is an error in XML document (37, 10).
Exception from: System.Xml
The string '' is not a valid AllXsd value.
Line (24):
But I need to send invalidad data, i'm generating negative testcases. What can I do to send it.
Thanks for your time.
I need help about to send a request for Web Service method. I had automated a method called "createOffer". In XMLWarehouse i have createOffer XML structure to send with this method. When I try to send this XML sructure with invalid XML data, QTP shows me this message:
The createOffer operation call failed.
The .NET Framework 2.0 WSE 3.0 toolkit returned the following error:
There is an error in XML document (37, 10).
Exception from: System.Xml
The string '' is not a valid AllXsd value.
Line (24):
"Set createOffer = WebService("WSOfferImplService").createOffer(XMLWarehouse("createOffer"))".
But I need to send invalidad data, i'm generating negative testcases. What can I do to send it.
Thanks for your time.