With a very simple (recorded) script I get a Run Time error: "Variable is undefined: 'micRightBtn'".
Apparently, something went wrong during the install, but how do I fix this without uninstallu=ing and re-installing. Does QTP have something like include paths?
Below is the script that fails:
If I change micRightBtn to 1, the right click is fired as expected, but I need to run scripts developed by others and cannot change them.
Apparently, something went wrong during the install, but how do I fix this without uninstallu=ing and re-installing. Does QTP have something like include paths?
Below is the script that fails:
Option Explicit
Window("Program Manager").WinListView("SysListView32").Select "Internet Explorer", micRightBtn
If I change micRightBtn to 1, the right click is fired as expected, but I need to run scripts developed by others and cannot change them.