I have a web table that I'm unable to get the row count and column count.
The above code only returns 1 row, 1 column and the cell data that is returned is not even part of the webtable inner text.
I attached a zip file with the source code, OR and Object Spy screen shots.
Set Tcount = Browser("APRS : REQUESTS PENDING").Page("APRS : REQUESTS PENDING").WebTable("Global Six Aprs Testsix")
msgbox Tcount.RowCount
msgbox Tcount.ColumnCount(1)
msgbox Tcount.GetCellData(1,1)
The above code only returns 1 row, 1 column and the cell data that is returned is not even part of the webtable inner text.
I attached a zip file with the source code, OR and Object Spy screen shots.