Hi All,
I have scenario like
1. i am passing value (rowCnt) and file name (fileName) to the function
2. Inside Function i am reading xls file and getting some row count (row_count)
3. In side the function i can able to compare rowCnt = row_count by using reporter.ReportEvent
My question is: I want to do use "reporter.ReportEvent" out side the function.
4. How to write if condition inside function to satisfy my scenario.
Kindly suggest how to approach [/b]and i will appreciate your help
I have scenario like
1. i am passing value (rowCnt) and file name (fileName) to the function
2. Inside Function i am reading xls file and getting some row count (row_count)
3. In side the function i can able to compare rowCnt = row_count by using reporter.ReportEvent
My question is: I want to do use "reporter.ReportEvent" out side the function.
4. How to write if condition inside function to satisfy my scenario.
Window("Lilly Science Grid").Page("Page_3").Link("25").Click
rowCnt = Window("Lilly Science Grid").Page("Page_3").Link("25").GetROProperty("text") '
convLng = CLng(rowCnt) ' Convert to String to Long
[b]retFunc = GetRowCount(convLng, fileName) [/b] // Function calling
fileName = "D:\SaveXlsFile.xls"
[b]Function GetRowCount(convLng,fileName)[/b]
SwfWindow("Lilly Science Grid").Dialog("File Download").Click 285,18
SwfWindow("Lilly Science Grid").Dialog("File Download").Activate
SwfWindow("Lilly Science Grid").Dialog("File Download").WinButton("Save").Click
Dialog("Save As").Activate
Dialog("Save As").WinEdit("File name:").Set "D:\SaveXlsFile.xls"
Dialog("Save As").WinButton("Save").Click
Dialog("Save As_2").WinButton("Yes").Click
'Dialog("Download complete").Click 321,184
'Dialog("Download complete").WinButton("Close").Click
Set xlObj = CreateObject ("Excel.Application") ' Create Excel object
Set wBook = xlObj.workBooks.Open(fileName) ' Pass file name
Set sheetName = wBook.worksheets("Sheet1") ' Pass default sheet name
row_count = sheetName.usedrange.rows.count -1' 'Return total number of rows
If row_count = convLng Then
// I want to write below code out side the function but i have to validate [b]if condition here only (If row_count = convLng )[/b][b]
reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Row Count Validation","Row Count matching with column header. Step.Pass"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Row Count Validation","Row Count is not matching with column header.Step.Fail"
End If
End Function
Kindly suggest how to approach [/b]and i will appreciate your help