Hi There,
I had written a script to read values from webtable to Datatable then export to Excel.
Script is working well while reading values from weblist and stores it into Data table, but when it comes to Numaric values it just placing blank values in Data table.
What could be issue with the WebEdit fields with numerical values?
Script is as follows: Website I have used is http://www.mortgagecalculator.org/
I had written a script to read values from webtable to Datatable then export to Excel.
Script is working well while reading values from weblist and stores it into Data table, but when it comes to Numaric values it just placing blank values in Data table.
What could be issue with the WebEdit fields with numerical values?
Script is as follows: Website I have used is http://www.mortgagecalculator.org/
Set oWT= Description.Create()
oWT("html tag").value = "TABLE"
oWT("INDEX").value = 2
datatable.AddSheet "Mysheet"
Set oTable = Browser("Mortgage Calculator").Page("Mortgage Calculator").webtable(oWT)
RC = oTable.RowCount
CC =oTable.ColumnCount(1)
For i = 1 to CC
ColHeader = oTable.GetCellData(1,i)
Datatable.GetSheet("Mysheet").AddParameter ColHeader, " "
For j= 2 to 8
Ccnt = otable.ColumnCount(j)
For k=1 to Ccnt
celldata = otable.GetCellData( j, k)
datatable.GetSheet("Mysheet").GetParameter(k).Value = celldata
print celldata
datatable.Exportsheet "C:\Users\u292693\Desktop\Book1.xls ","Mysheet"
Set oTable = Nothing