In my script Im capturing a dynamic value off the screen and storing it as an internal environment variable. I then use this variable further along in my script. The problem is that this variable seems to be stored permanently as just 1 value and doesnt get overwritten each new run. My script looks like the following -
Does anyone know how / if this environment variable can be over written each time with a new value? I dont wish to use the datatable as space is an issue.
In my script Im capturing a dynamic value off the screen and storing it as an internal environment variable. I then use this variable further along in my script. The problem is that this variable seems to be stored permanently as just 1 value and doesnt get overwritten each new run. My script looks like the following -
Browser("...").Page("...").Frame("...").WebElement("...").Output CheckPoint("...")
floating_variable = Environment.Value("whatever")
msgbox floating_variable
Does anyone know how / if this environment variable can be over written each time with a new value? I dont wish to use the datatable as space is an issue.