05-16-2014, 12:50 AM
while run the below script system showing error message
Error message:The test run cannot continue due to a syntax error.
Expected '='
please help me ,i am beginner in qtp
while run the below script system showing error message
Systemutil.Run"C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"
'Object Description Constants
Public Const Login_Dialog="text:=login"
Set login_Edit_Agent Name=CreateObject Description("nativeclass:=Edit,attached text:=Agent Name")
Set login_Edit_Password=CreateObject Description("nativeclass:=Edit,attached text:=Password")
Set login_Btn_Ok=CreateObject Description("nativeclass:=Button,,attached text:=Ok")
Error message:The test run cannot continue due to a syntax error.
Expected '='
Line (1): "Set login_Edit_Agent Name=CreateObject Description("nativeclass:=Edit,attached text:=Agent Name")".
please help me ,i am beginner in qtp