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Siebel automation issue
Not Solved

We have to do automation testing of Siebel application using QTP9.5 . We have done installation of required ActiveX controls on our machines and done necessary configuration changes at Siebel server to work with QTP.

It had worked well for few days but suddently it is stopped working. We were able to record and run scripts in QTP for the same application but now since 15 days it is not working..

1. We have cross checked the config file but couldn't get any ideas as it is showing proper updations.
2. Have installed the ActiveX controls on our machines while accessing Siebel URL.
3. Tried modifying Internet security options but no use.

As per my knowledge, there are two process should be up and running to work with Siebel automation under TaskManager. Earlier we were able to see both. But now we are able to see only one process "SiebleAX_Desktop_Integration" but not able to see other one "SiebleAX_Test_Automation".

Not sure why all of sudden it is giving problem.

Could some one please help me out to find the reason for this problem. What are all the necessary checks that we need to do to make sure all settings are done properly.

Your early response is much appreciated....

Thanks in advance..

Not Solved
SiebleAX_Test_Automation...This process is of utmost importance.

By any chance, have you recently changed the way QTP application starts your application? from automatic launch to script launch? Make sure that SWECmd=AutoOn is appended in the URL. You might want to read the Siebel Add-In and QTP details
Want to fast track your QTP/UFT Learning? Join our UFT Training Course
Not Solved
Hi Ankur,
We haven't changed any settings related to QTP. We are a team of 4 members working on same application. None of our team is able to record the scripts. We are suspecting on recent patch which was installed in Siebel server. But not getting exactly what are the checks that we need to perform if we install any new patch in ther Siebel server. Admin guys says that the config file is updated and it is proper (Here with i am giving contents of config file for your reference).
Since the patch was installed in servers, we are not able to see "SiebleAX_Test_Automation" process running on our machines..
We tried opening Siebel application in new machine but it is not prompting to install 'TestAutomation' before it opens. but earlier it had prompted us to install 'TestAutomation'.

;; At the top of each section, we have listed if the parameters are
;; being read from the cfg file for Server based Object Manager
;; components
;; If the section below says "Client-only" section, then the parameter
;; values listed here will not be read from this cfg file but from
;; parameters as defined during the configuration for the Siebel Enterprise
;; In effect the parameter values will be read from the gatewaysrvr/shared
;; memory. If you need to change the values for any of these parameters
;; please use the Server Admin screens or servermanager line mode to
;; change the values. At the top of each section, it also lists where
;; the parameter values are defined, i.e. are thay component parameters
;; or named subsystem parameters.(This is visible to the complete enterprise.)
;; For Developers, If you need to change values during configuration
;; for Object Manager components, please change the srvrdefs.tdt file
;; For Users, If you need to change the values after configuration
;; for Object Manager components, go to the relevant Server Admin screen
;; and update parameters.
;; The following Siebel Section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
RepositoryFile = siebel.srf
ApplicationName = Siebel Field Service
ApplicationTitle = Siebel Service Americas
ApplicationSplashText = Siebel Service
Vertical =
ComponentName = Siebel Service Client
ShowMessageBar = User Enabled
MessageBarUpdateInterval = 10
ShowBarcodeToolbar = TRUE
DataSource = ServerDataSrc
ClientRootDir = e:\sa7\sbsrvr
TempDir = e:\sa7\sbsrvr\tmp
Version = 100
ClientFileServSupport = TRUE
MultiCurrency = TRUE
EnableScripting = TRUE
EnableOLEAutomation = TRUE
OLEAutomationDLL = sscfole.dll
CORBADLL = sscfcorb.dll
JseCorbaConnector = corbavgn.dll
ReportsODBCDataSource = Siebel Reports: Access
DockRepositoryName = Siebel Repository
HoldExportOdbcConnection = FALSE
LargeFont = Verdana-8-normal
SmallFont = Verdana-8-normal
DefaultChartFont = Verdana-10-normal
NavBarItemFont = Verdana-8-bold
NavBarSelectFont = Verdana-8-bold
NavBarTitleFont = Verdana-10-bold
AppletTitleFont = Verdana-10-bold
Language = ENU
SrvrUpdateInterval = 60
SrvrTimeOutInterval = 600
EnablePersonalization = TRUE
PersonalizationLog =
DocumentIntegrator = Microsoft Office
WebClientSiteDir = e:\sea77\siebsrvr\public\enu
AccessDir = %ACCESS_DIR%
SearchEngine = Fulcrum
SearchDefName = Field Service Definition
SearchInstallDir = $(SearchInstallDir)
RemoteSearchServer = $(SearchRemoteServer)
RemoteSearchServerPath = %FULCRUM_HOST%/tcp%FULCRUM_PORT%
; UsernameBCField =

;; This is a client-only section ( for example siebel.exe)
;; All the data sources shown below are defined as
;; named subsystems in the Siebel Enterprise. To change the values
;; for these datasources, use the following command
;; In the line mode srvrmgr
;; > change param paramname="<value>" for named subsystem <named subsys name>
;; In the case below it will be Local/Sample/ServerDataSrc/GatewayDataSrc

RequestServerName = $(RequestServer)

SecAdptName = CustomSecAdpt
SecAdptMode = CUSTOM

SecAdptDllName = sscfsadb
DataSourceName = $(DefaultDataSource)
DBSecAdpt_PropagateChange = FALSE

Local = Local
Sample = Sample
ServerDataSrc = Server
GatewayDataSrc = Gateway

Docked = FALSE
ConnectString = $(LocalConnectString)
TableOwner = SIEBEL
DLL = sscdw8.dll
SqlStyle = Watcom
MaxCachedCursors = 16
MaxCachedDataSets = 16
ReverseFillThreshold = 100
CaseInsensitive = FALSE
InsensitivityFactor = 2
DockTxnsPerCommit = 500
DockConnString = CHANGE_ME
ChartServer = local:81
ChartImageFormat = png
AutoStopDB = FALSE
EnterpriseServer = $(EnterpriseServer)
UseCachedExternalContent = TRUE

Docked = FALSE
ConnectString = $(SampleConnectString)
TableOwner = SIEBEL
SqlStyle = Watcom
MaxCachedCursors = 16
MaxCachedDataSets = 16
ReverseFillThreshold = 100
CaseInsensitive = TRUE
InsensitivityFactor = 2
FileSystem = e:\sea77\siebsrvr\sample\files
ChartServer = local:81
ChartImageFormat = png
SymbolicURLSuffix = _Demo
AutoStopDB = FALSE

Docked = TRUE
ConnectString = $(ConnectString)
TableOwner = $(TableOwner)
DLL = $(ConnectorDll)
SqlStyle = $(SqlStyle)
MaxCachedCursors = 16
MaxCachedDataSets = 16
ReverseFillThreshold = 100
CaseInsensitive = FALSE
InsensitivityFactor = 2
FileSystem = $(ServerFileSystem)\att
GatewayAddress = $(GatewayAddress)
EnterpriseServer = $(EnterpriseServer)
CurrentSQLID = %SQLID%
PrefetchSize = %PREFETCHSIZE%
ChartServer = local:81
ChartImageFormat = png

ConnectString = $(GatewayAddress)
PrimaryEnterprise = $(EnterpriseServer)
DLL = sscda10.dll
Hidden = TRUE
CaseInsensitive = FALSE
InsensitivityFactor = 0

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
EnableReportServer = FALSE
ReportServerHost = CHANGE_ME
ReportCastHost = CHANGE_ME
ReportCastDomain = CHANGE_ME
ProtocolName = HTTP
RoxDir = /SReports/
ConnectString = CHANGE_ME

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = CyberSourceICS2
ServerHost = <>.com
MerchantId = ICS2Test

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
PricerPriceListCacheSize = 50
PricerPriceItemCacheSize = 100
PricerVolDisCacheSize = 50
PricerPriceModelCacheSize= 50

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = $(SDQClnseType)

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
Enable = FALSE
Type = $(SDQDeDupType)

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components

CommEnable = FALSE
CommSimulate = FALSE
CommLocalDriver = TRUE
CommLogDebug = FALSE
CommReleaseLogHandle = TRUE
CommConfigManager = FALSE
CommReqTimeout = 600
CommLogFile = SComm.log

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
DefaultMailClient = Siebel Mail Client
SiebelExtMailClientAttDir =
LotusForm =
OutlookForm =
DebugLevel = 0

;; This section is a client-only section.
;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components
[Web Collaboration]
Enable = FALSE
Type = Siebel eCollaboration
ServerHost = CHANGE_ME
LogLevel = 0
LogFile = e:\sea77\siebsrvr\log\WebCollab.log
EnableSimulation = FALSE

;; These sections below will be read from the cfg file for both the
;; zero-foot-print client and the mobile client.

View1 = All Service Request List View
View2 = Activity List View
View3 = Order Entry - All Orders View

AllowAnonUsers = TRUE
EnableAutomation = TRUE
AutomaticTrailingWildcards = FALSE
SecureLogin = TRUE
SecureBrowse = TRUE
ExportMaxSegmentSize = 10000
RequiredIndicator = ICON_REQUIRED
ScreenJumpTabRightOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_ON
ScreenJumpTabRightOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_OFF
ScreenJumpTabRightBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ScreenJumpTabLeftOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_ON
ScreenJumpTabLeftOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_OFF
ScreenJumpTabLeftBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ViewJumpTabRightOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_ON
ViewJumpTabRightOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_NEXT_OFF
ViewJumpTabRightBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ViewJumpTabLeftOnBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_ON
ViewJumpTabLeftOffBitmap = JUMPTAB_PREV_OFF
ViewJumpTabLeftBlankBitmap = JUMPTAB_BLANK
ScreenTabOpenOnBitmap = SCRNTAB_OPN_ON
ScreenTabMidOnBitmap = SCRNTAB_MID_ON
ScreenTabCloseOnBitmap = SCRNTAB_CLS_ON
ScreenTabOpenOffBitmap = SCRNTAB_OPN_OFF
ScreenTabMidOffBitmap = SCRNTAB_MID_OFF
ScreenTabCloseOffBitmap = SCRNTAB_CLS_OFF
ViewTabOpenOnBitmap = VIEWTAB_OPN_ON
ViewTabMidOnBitmap = VIEWTAB_MID_ON
ViewTabCloseOnBitmap = VIEWTAB_CLS_ON
ViewTabOpenOffBitmap = VIEWTAB_OPN_OFF
ViewTabMidOffBitmap = VIEWTAB_MID_OFF
ViewTabCloseOffBitmap = VIEWTAB_CLS_OFF
ViewBarCaption = "Show:"
ListRowStyle = "Siebel List"
SystemSWSName = CCHTMLStyles.sws
;UserSWSName = //for customer use only
HighInteractivity = TRUE
EnableSIFocusTracking = TRUE
AppletSelectStyle = "Applet Select"
EnableCDA = TRUE
NumberOfListRows = 10
SortAscendingBitmap = SORT_UP
SortDescendingBitmap = SORT_DOWN
SortAscendingDisabledBitmap = SORT_UP_ON
SortDescendingDisabledBitmap = SORT_DOWN_ON
SortAscendingCaption = "<img src='images/icon_sort_up.gif' alt='Sort Ascending' border=0>"
SortDescendingCaption = "<img src='images/icon_sort_down.gif' alt='Sort Descending' border=0>"
;EditFieldCaption = "<img src='images/btn_select.gif' border=0 alt='Select' align='absmiddle'>"
EditFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_select.gif' border=0 alt='Select' align='absmiddle'>"
EditFieldType = Link
CalendarFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_calendar.gif' border=0 alt='Input' align='absmiddle'>"
CalendarFieldType = Text
CalculatorFieldCaption = "<img src='images/icon_calculator.gif' border=0 alt='Input' align='absmiddle'>"
CalculatorFieldType = Text
MarkupLanguage = HTML
ShortCommands = FALSE
EncryptNames = FALSE
Entitlement = FALSE
EnableViewCache = TRUE
ViewPreloadSize = 5
WebTemplateVersion = 1
SystemSWFName = CCHtmlType.swf
UserSWFName = CfgHtmlType.swf
PDQEnabledView0 = "Messaging List View"
PDQEnabledView1 = "My Created Messaging List View"
PDQEnabledView2 = "All Messaging Detail View"
PDQEnabledView3 = "Messaging Activity View"
PDQEnabledView4 = "Messaging Attachment List View"
PDQEnabledView5 = "My Created Messaging Attachment List View"
UserAgentFile = ua.ini
MsgTemplateDir = e:\sea77\siebsrvr\msgtempl\ENU
TreeNodeCollapseCaption = "<img src='images/tree_collapse_d.gif' alt='-' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeCollapseElbowCaption = "<img src='images/tree_coll_elbow_d.gif' alt='-' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeCollapseTeeCaption = "<img src='images/tree_coll_tee_d.gif' alt='-' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeElbowCaption = "<img src='images/tree_elbow_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeExpandCaption = "<img src='images/tree_expand_d.gif' alt='+' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeExpandElbowCaption = "<img src='images/tree_exp_elbow_d.gif' alt='+' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeExpandTeeCaption = "<img src='images/tree_exp_tee_d.gif' alt='+' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeTeeCaption = "<img src='images/tree_tee_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeCloseFolderCaption = "<img src='images/tree_closed_folder_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeLeafCaption = "<img src='images/tree_leaf_local_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeOpenFolderCaption = "<img src='images/tree_open_folder_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeOpenFolder2Caption = "<img src='images/tree_open_folder2_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeRootCaption = "<img src='images/tree_root_d.gif' alt='' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeBarCaption = "<img src='images/tree_bar_d.gif' alt='|' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeSpaceCaption = "<img src='images/tree_space.gif' alt=' ' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeArrowUpCaption = "<img src='images/arrow_up.gif' alt='^' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeArrowDownCaption = "<img src='images/arrow_down.gif' alt='V' border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0>"
TreeNodeFontSize = 1
TreeNodeFontStyle = MS Sans Serif,Arial,Helvetica
TreeNodeBgColor = #000080
TreeNodeFgColor = #ffffff
EnableWebClientAutomation = TRUE
EnableEmailClientAutomation = TRUE
EnableClientHealthCheck = FALSE
AutomaticTrailingWildcards = FALSE
ClientBusinessService0 = "Message Bar"
ClientBusinessService1 = "Communications Client"
ClientBusinessService2 = "ContentBase - Asset Publish Service"
ClientBusinessService3 = "ContentBase - Asset Version Publish"
ClientBusinessService4 = "Workflow Process Manager"
ClientBusinessService5 = "Task Assistant UI Service"
ClientBusinessService6 = "ContentBase - Asset Preview Publish Service"
ClientBusinessService7 = "PrintListService"
ClientBusinessService8 = "AT APRSGotoView"
ClientBusinessService9 = "AT Lower Revision Cancel"
ClientBusinessService10 = "ATV Activity Done"
ClientBusinessService11 = "AT Activity Time Charges Validation"

;; This section specifies the parameters for Browser Health Check
AppletScripting = Required
DisableScriptDebug = Recommended
FileDownload = Required
PasteViaScript = Recommended
PrintBGColors = Recommended
QFE314312 = Required
QFE818506 = ignore
QFE823099 = Required
QFE824145 = Required
SUNJREVersion = Recommended

SecAdptDllName = sscfldap
ServerName =
Port = 389
BaseDN =
SharedCredentialsDN =
UsernameAttributeType = uid
PasswordAttributeType = userPassword
CredentialsAttributeType = credentials
RolesAttributeType =
SslDatabase =
ApplicationUser =
ApplicationPassword =
PropagateChange = FALSE
SingleSignOn = FALSE
TrustToken =
UseAdapterUsername = FALSE
SiebelUsernameAttributeType =


ServerName =
Port = 50636
BaseDN = "ou=PI, ou=EnterpriseApps,"
SharedCredentialsDN = "agapplogin=SBLANON, ou=PI, ou=EnterpriseApps,"
PasswordAttributeType = userPassword
CredentialsAttributeType = agappcredentials
RolesAttributeType =
SslDatabase = "E:/sa7/sbsrvr/BIN/ENU/"
TraceDirectory = "E:/sa7/sbsrvr/log/"
ApplicationUser = "cn=PI-SecurityAdapter, ou=Applications,"
ApplicationPassword = sam..bind
EncryptApplicationPassword = FALSE
EncryptCredentialsPassword = FALSE
SiebelUsernameAttributeType = agappsiebeluserid
PIOwnerIdAttributeType = agapppersonid
WorkerStatusAttributeType = agemployeestatuscode
NTUserAttributeType = ntuserdomainid
PIUserAttributeType = agappusertype
DBInstanceAttributeType = agappinstance
DirectoryRootSuffix = ""
FlowerWorkerIdAttributeType = employeenumber
NonFlowerWorkerIdAttributeType = nonhpuniqueid
UsernameAttributeType = agappsiebeluserid
WorkerObjectclassRegex = "(|(objectclass=nonhporgperson)(objectclass=Flowerorgperson))"
DBInstance = AM
EnableTracing = TRUE
SimulateNativeAdapter = TRUE

SAPRfcUserName = qauser1
SAPRfcPassword = welcome
SAPRfcConnectString = DEST=QA1_Outbound CLIENT=100 LANG=E
SAPRfcDestEntry = QA1_Inbound
SAPIdocAllowedObjects = Product - Receive SAP Material (IDOC Input),Account - Receive SAP Customer (IDOC Input)

ExtDBPassword = CHANGE_ME
ExtDBTableOwner = CHANGE_ME

VersionCheck1 = "<00" e:\sa7\sbsrvr\sample\tcupgrade.html

TableOwner = $(TableOwner)
SqlStyle = $(SqlStyle)

ISSCDAProdDetBusCompName = Internal Product
ISSCDAProdDetBusObjName = Internal Product
ISSCDAProdDetViewName = Product Detail Key Features View
ISSCDAHeaderBusObjName = Quote
ISSCDAHeaderBusCompName = Quote
ISSCDAIntegrationObjName = Quote
ISSCDAListItemBusCompName = Quote Item
ISSCDAHeaderViewName = Quote Detail View
ISSCDAGetMyPriceFields = List Price,Product Name,Current Price,Pricing Comments,Net Price,Start Price

Siebel Sales Wireless = WirelessSalesObjMgr_enu
Siebel Service Wireless = WirelessServiceObjMgr_enu
Siebel PRM Wireless = WirelesseChannelObjMgr_enu
;;Siebel eService Wireless = WirelesseServiceObjMgr_enu


Not Solved
I have further verified our config file, found that both "EnableAutomation = TRUE" and "EnableWebClientAutomation = TRUE" are made TRUE. does it cause any problem???

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