Hi All,
I have a javatable.After searching for a text in the table,for the row where I have found the text,I want to select its column(which is basically a button),but I am unable to do so.
I havw written following code.
I am getting following error:
The operation cannot be performed
Line (126):**********************************
What wrong am I doing?What is the other way to select the column?[/align]
I have a javatable.After searching for a text in the table,for the row where I have found the text,I want to select its column(which is basically a button),but I am unable to do so.
I havw written following code.
intSchCount = JavaWindow("EclipseEJ").JavaDialog("Online Credit Agreement").JavaTable("Select products:").GetROProperty("rows")
Scheme = DataTable("Scheme",dtLocalSheet)
For i = 0 to intSchCount-1
Sch=JavaWindow("EclipseEJ").JavaDialog("Online Credit Agreement").JavaTable("Select products:").GetCellData(i,"A")
If (Sch=Scheme) then
JavaWindow("EclipseEJ").JavaDialog("Online Credit Agreement").JavaTable("Select products:").SetCellData "#i","C","1"
Exit for
end if
I am getting following error:
The operation cannot be performed
Line (126):
"JavaWindow("EclipseEJ").JavaDialog("Online Credit Agreement").JavaTable("Select products:").SetCellData i,"C","1"".
What wrong am I doing?What is the other way to select the column?[/align]