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Script not getting title in IE
Not Solved
Hi Guys,
I need to run my script in IE, Chrome and FF. My script works fine in Chrome and FF but not in IE. In IE, i'm getting the url of the page instead of title. Below is the code:

Title = "ABCDEFG"
Title = Browser("CreationTime:=1").GetROProperty("title")

If Title  = Title Then
    msgbox "Pass"
    msgbox "Fail"
End If

Can someone help me out with this issue.
Not Solved
Demonstration: AddUsingTitle

As stated earlier, this method will store any browser with the provided title.
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)
'Add the above open browser using its title
BrowserObject.AddUsingTitle "DemoAUT", ".*Mercury Tours.*"

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)
'Add the above open browser using its title
BrowserObject.AddUsingTitle "Google", ".*Google.*"

'Use the names we gave the browser, and use the same name regardless of changes in its properties
With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")
    .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"
    .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"

    If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then
        .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"
        .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"
        .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"
        .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"
        .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"
        .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"
    End If
End with

'Use the names we gave the browser, and use the same name regardless of changes in its properties
With BrowserObject.Name("Google")
    .Link("text:=Gmail", "index:=0").Click
    .Link("text:=+You", "index:=0").Click
    .Link("text:=Images", "index:=0").Click
End with

With BrowserObject
End with


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