Hi all,
I was just trying how to search through a given folder. Find all its sub-folders and files. List them as well.
Here is a sample code I came up with. Hope someone can use it.
I was just trying how to search through a given folder. Find all its sub-folders and files. List them as well.
Here is a sample code I came up with. Hope someone can use it.
Option Explicit
Dim folderspec
folderspec = "G:\ProjectQTP" 'Get the path of the folder you want to be searched
Print Mid(folderspec, InStrRev(folderspec, "\")+1) 'Print the folder you are searching
Call ShowFolderList(folderspec, 0) 'Call the function to search along with the Tab counter, used to print tabs after each folder. To simulate a tree structure (Easy to see)
Function ShowFolderList(folderspec, tabCnt)
Dim fso, f, f1, f2, s, sf, Counter, Spaces
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set sf = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 in sf
tabCnt = tabCnt + 1
For Counter = 1 to tabCnt 'Used to print number of dashes
Spaces = Spaces & "- " 'Prints the dashes to make it more readable
print Spaces & f1.name 'Print the parent folder's name
Spaces = Empty
Call ShowFolderList(f1.Path, tabCnt) 'If a sub-folder is found then call this function again to traverse thorugh that sub-folder to find other folders untill the last folder is traversed.
tabCnt = tabCnt - 1 'Reduce the count to go back to the parent folder's tabCnt
Set s = f.Files
For Counter = 1 to (tabCnt+1) 'Files should have a different space counter
Spaces = Spaces & "- "
For Each f2 in s
Print Spaces & f2.name 'Print the folder's files
End Function