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SAPLIst within a table is not working
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi Ankur/All,

I am not able to select an item listed inside a SAPList within a webtable . The application is developed using webdynpro.
I tried the following methods

The first line is working fine.i.e., its clicking the SAP list , but the second line is not working ..its throwing an error message. I have attached the screenshot of the error message and also the application.
I tried with different properties of the webelement like outer text, outerhtml, innerhtml, but nothing worked. Even when I spy on the SAPlist object, in the allitems properties of the webelement there is no items listed there.

The second method I tried is :
Browser(..).Page(..).SAPList(..).object.setattribute "value","Test"
it sets the value in the list box , but when i Save that page, its resetting it back. the value is not saved.

For other list box in the application i.e List box which is not in the webtable i used the innertext property of the webelement and it worked fine.

I am not sure how to get this SAPList inside the webtable to work.
I would really appreciate if someone can help me in this.

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi Laksh,

While automating the SRM shopping cart functionality I also faced similar kind of issue while identifying a product type from the drop down. In the recording QTP has identified the object as SAPList but it was failing while execution.

When I used the object spy the drop down was made up of a web edit and the drop down options were as web elements which were embaded into a web table which was the part of the frame in which the SAP list object was there.

To solve this I used descriptive programming, in which I have used the childObjects method to get the child object and then selecting a particular option. The snippet for the code is as follows,

' Creating a description object for web table identification
Dim objTable
Set objTable=Description.Create

set childObjectFrame=Browser("Shop - SAP NetWeaver Portal").Page("Shop - SAP NetWeaver Portal").Frame("Frame").ChildObjects(objTable)

'msgbox childObjectFrame.count

'Creating a description for material web element

Dim objMaterialElement
Set objMaterialElement=Description.Create

Hope this might help you to resolve the issue. This is working fine for me.


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