i am using UFT 12.1 to Automate SAP GUI, While downloading file SAP windows trying to open downloaded file . We are created to custom SAP Code to Block the SAP File Downloading.
So during the download file is getting blocked and Message appears in Windows Popup as "Windows cannot find the file" with given file path.
When i try click OK button or close the Windows Dialog with the following code
The Problem is while clicking the OK button in Windows Popup, the windows Dialog is getting closed but the SAP GUI gets hanged .
Please help me to resolve this issue.
i am using UFT 12.1 to Automate SAP GUI, While downloading file SAP windows trying to open downloaded file . We are created to custom SAP Code to Block the SAP File Downloading.
So during the download file is getting blocked and Message appears in Windows Popup as "Windows cannot find the file" with given file path.
When i try click OK button or close the Windows Dialog with the following code
Window("Data Browser: Table T000").Dialog("Information").Dialog("C:\Automation Scripts\").WinButton(dpok).Click 'Code for Windows Popup
SAPGuiSession(oSession).SAPGuiWindow(oSSWin).SAPGuiButton("guicomponenttype:=40","name:=btn\[0\]").Click 'Code for click continue button in SAP "Application not executable! (sy-subrc: 4 )" after closing the Windows Popup
The Problem is while clicking the OK button in Windows Popup, the windows Dialog is getting closed but the SAP GUI gets hanged .
Please help me to resolve this issue.