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Running the tests in Firefox
Not Solved Exclamation 
Hello all,

I am trying to run the tests that i recorded using IE. I see only IE in the record and run session settings. How do i get the Firefox Add-in installed? Please help thank you. Tongue
Not Solved
1. Open the folder \bin\Mozilla
2. Based on your version of Firefox open the QTP Agent folder for the same.
For me the folder was AgentPlugInFireFox30
3. Locate the ‘install.rdf’ file within the Agent folder. Open the file in a notepad.
4. Note down the id from the first node in the XML. ID noticed is “{6672B787-A178-45d3-B11D-E905BBCCC8C4}” as per the XML shown above
5. Now open Firefox and go to Tools -> Add-ons from the menu.
6. If you see a “QuickTest Professional X.X Plugin“, click on the uninstall button.
7. Open the “\extensions” folder and delete any file which has the file name as the ID we noticed in Step4
8. After deleting the file, open firefox once and close it.
9. Open the “\extensions” folder again and create a new file with name as the ID we noticed in Step 4.
10. Open the file we created in Step9 in a notepad.
Enter the complete path of the Agent folder we used in Step. For example - “C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\Mozilla\AgentPlugInFireFox30“.
11. Save the file and launch a new firefox browser. Go to Tools -> Add-ons and make sure the new “QuickTest Professional X.X Plugin” is enabled.
Not Solved Exclamation 

Thank you for the response. I am still having issues though.

What is the format of the file that i create in the agentpluginfirefox folder? Do i create a notepad file with the name of that file being ID that i copy from the install.rdf file?
Not Solved
you need create file in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions not in agentpluginfirefox folder. means step 9. on this no need give any extension, but edit on opening in notepad.

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