I am trying to run QTP from a remote machine. I use PSexec to run a vbs script file to start up QTP. The problem is even though the vbs script is being run QTP does not run. But if I am on the computer and run the vbs file QTP starts. I am using QTP 11 and the vbs script is:
Any help will be appreciated
Dim obj_QuickTestApp ' As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim strScriptPath ' Path of QTP Test To Run
' Open QuickTest
Set obj_QuickTestApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
obj_QuickTestApp.Launch ' Launch QuickTest
obj_QuickTestApp.Visible = True ' Set QuickTest to be visible
' Run The QTP Test
obj_QuickTestApp.open strScriptPath
Msgbox "Smoke Test Completed"
' Quit QuickTest
Set obj_QuickTestApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object
Any help will be appreciated