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Run error: Object is disable
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I am new in QTP and learnig how it works. My aplication is OracleForms 6i Gui and i begin recording with .Net + Web add-ins.
When i try to run the recorded session, i have an error -> Object is disabled
Line (26): "Window("Oracle Forms Runtime").WinObject("ui60Viewcore_W32_2").Click 10,7".
I don´t understand why. It´s a button yhat in previous screens worked.
Can anyone help me on this.
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HI Bea,

Infact whatever script generated after u recorded is not the correct one that has to be generated.
(It should not be Coordinates Based Script(Click 10,7), where it should be OracleWindow(....).OracleButton(.....).Click )

Infact You should have "Oracle" Addin installed on ur machine inorder to identify Oracle Appl. based Objects.

Once it is installed, Select the "Oracle" Addin checkbox in Addin Manager window while starting the QTP.

Now QTP Can recognize the Oracle Forms,OracleButtons,OracleCheckBoxes..& So on So forth.
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Thanks for the suggestion, but i've tried yet with Oracle addin and the results are not best... its a client server Oracle appl. The objects of the expert views with the diferent addins are the same, win objects.
I have resolved yet the problem 'object is disable' with waitproperty "enabled", true.
Now i have another problems...
- with oracle addin - at the first edit field that appears i got the error 'cannot identify the object "Edit" (of class WinEdit) '
- with .net addin - qtp don't identify some recorded fields, that results in one screen in overlapping the data from various fields in the first that appears in the window..
Have you experience in QTP with Oracle Forms 6i GUI, not web?
Thanks in advance for the possible help
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If Oralce addin is installed then, u must follow the procedure like this:
1. Connect VPN
2. Open QTP (Select only Oracle Add in)
3. Open borwser and then Oracle form

If you follow above procedure, then Oracle form objects will be displayed as shown below:

Somebody pls answer my post: Oracle Regular Expression
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In this perticular statement QTP has not identified that button.if QTP is not able identify any Object it will genarates the statements as winobject. while record session if qtp is not able to identify the Object it will switches to low level Recording and generates the statements with respect to the screen Coordinates these screen coordinates will depends on the resolution of screen so it will work some times it will not work some times
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in your line 26 , object should not be identified as WinObject, instead it should identify as Win or WebButton, try to use the add-ins in permutations and combinations way(Select only .NET, select only Web, select both etc,,,)

If this issue still exists, try to know if there is any shortcut on that button, lets say if we need to click Save button, if this button works as Alt+S then we can use SendKeys ,

we need to search a workaround for clicking that button if WinObject is the final case



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