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Regular expression for constantly changing Image prop
Solved: 11 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Hi Ankur and all,

I am using descriptive programming for a Image button which is embedded in web table which in turn is embedded in wbfgrid, every scenario the value of text changes .

properties of all Image buttons are similar except text, name, therefore used for DP.

Scenario 1:
Browser("Accelrated Login").Page("Acced_config"").Webtable("bdl_propty").wbfgrid("name:=xyz","text:=bdl").Image("innertext:=dllproductPanel1$ctl00_$ctl01$_abcd")
Same button Scenario2:
Browser("Accelrated Login").Page("Acced_config"").Webtable("bdl_propty").wbfgrid("name:=xyz","text:=bdl").Image("innertext:=dllproductPanel1$ctl00_$ctl02$_abcd")

How can we use regular expression, in this case where if you notice the number "01", "02" depends on the rows dynamically obtained in the scenario.

For example : if there are 2 rows I have to click on Image button the innertext will be "........$ctl01$......", If there are 3 rows in wbfgrid and I have click on Image button the innertext will be "........$ctl02$......".

How can we split the text and then pass the value. or use reg expression to do this ?
Solved: 11 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago
if you know the row number you can either specify like
i = "01" ' row number
Browser("Accelrated Login").Page("Acced_config"").Webtable("bdl_propty").wbfgrid("name:=xyz","text:=bdl").Image("innertext:=dllproductPanel1$ctl00_$ctl" & i & "$_abcd")
Solved: 11 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Hi surya,

Thank you for the suggestion. it will reduce many lines of code. The products changes for different scenarios and their order also changes : - For example i=01 for first test case and same product has i=03 in second test case. Also the value before that Ctl 100 might change
Is there any way I put reg expression


some thing like that: - to use only value "Ctl &i&" as literal and remaining everything as reg exp
Solved: 11 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago
wherever you want to put regular expression for Numeric you can use \d* which will allow any number of numeric characters
Solved: 11 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Thanks surya I used a combination of & and \d* regular expression and it worked fine.

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