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Random Email & User Name
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Hello there, I am very new to the product (QTP 9.2) after using Empirix eTester for the past few years. Anyway, I am running some scripts where I need a unique and random user name (any alpha-num value > 5 chars) and email address. I can't seem to find anything in the help on how to do this. Any ideas??
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There are several ways you can write a function for this...

There are several ways to write function for this....

' If you just want to generate a random string..use this
FUNCTION GetRandomString(LEN)  
Dim intI, StrS  
Const StartChr ="a", Range = 26  
   StrS = ""  
   FOR intI = 0 TO LEN-1    
     StrS = StrS + Chr(asc(StartChr) + Rnd() * Range )    
   GetRandomString = StrS  

Now you can use the above function and tweak it according to your objective
Example:for email
Dim StrE, StrE1, StrE2, StrE3, StrE4, StrEmail
StrE = Call GetRandomString(10)
StrE1 = "@"
StrE2 = Call GetRandomString(5)
StrE3 = "."
StrE4 = Call GetRandomString(5)
StrEmail = StrE&StrE1&StrE2&StrE3&StrE4
Not Solved
Hi Niranjan

I've made couple of function when i call them using like
'let take an example adding two no
function getsum(a,b)
sum = a+b
end function
var = call getsum(2,3) ' throw a error here.
msgbox var
it throws error says syntax error same with your function too when you run your above script.
can you plz help where i'm doing wronge.

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Right, it should throw error.
If you want to get the return value from a function you need to assign it to function name.
Example: In your case, instead of sum = a+ b USE getsum = a + b. It will work!!
Not Solved
Hi Niranjan ,
Thanks for the reply.But I still have doubt on that. In code you have used the variable.It's also throwing the same error as i'm getting in my.

FUNCTION GetRandomString(LEN) 'you have defined function here
Dim intI, StrS
Const StartChr ="a", Range = 26
StrS = ""
FOR intI = 0 TO LEN-1
StrS = StrS + Chr(asc(StartChr) + Rnd() * Range )
GetRandomString = StrS

Dim StrE, StrE1, StrE2, StrE3, StrE4, StrEmail
StrE = Call GetRandomString(10)
'here you are calling by using variable.
I'm getting error in your code too same as i'm getting in mine.

Not Solved
Thanks for pointing it out. Its my mistake.

Try this...
StrE = GetRandomString(10)
Not Solved
Sorry guys but this is still not working - any more ideas?
Not Solved
Whats the Error you are getting...

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