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QTP throws error on web elements when Descriptive programing used.
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If I record in QTP-10 for clicking on a web tab page I am getting the below type of code.
Browser("Works Information Management").Page("Works Information Management").Frame("Frame").Link("Cost Estimate").Click

But Frame is Dynamic & name changes always as Frame_1, Frame _2….etc.

I changed the code as below using Spy
Browser("title:=Works Information Management System").Page("title:=Works Information Management System").Frame("micclass:=Frame").Link("title:=Cost Estimate").Click

I am getting error while executing.

I even tried below code:
Browser("title:=Works Information Management System").page("title:=Works Information Management System").Frame("micclass:=Frame").webtable("column names:=Add New Work;").Link("innertext:=Cost Estimate").WebElement("innerhtml:=Cost Estimate").Click

I am attaching the error Screen Shot & Spy screen

Please help me ASAP.

Attached Files Image(s)
Not Solved
Hi Ramesh,

Try this script once, please let me know if you get any errors.
set desc=Description.create()
desc("name").value="Add New Work"    ' Edit here if name is different
'Add more values incase if exists for the table

Set WebEdits=Browser("title:=Works Information Management System").page("title:=Works Information Management System").ChildObjects(desc)
'WebEdits(0) here 0 is used to access the first webtable, change it if  different table
For r=1 To rCount-1
    For c=1 To cCount-1
        obj=1 To oCount-1
        If (StrComp(WebEdits(0).ChildItem(r,c,"Link",obj).GetROProperty("innertext"),"Cost Estimate")=0) Then
        End If
Not Solved
Hi Ramesh,

For this problem, you can try catching the changing rule of the frame name, and use regular expression for it. For example:

You can use this regular expression: ^Frame_\d+$ to match these frame names:

Ngoc Vo
Not Solved
Hi Kavita,
The solution is not working as it is displaying syntax error. Also I am new to QTP. Actually it is a web tab page not a link. Also I am having same Issue in the Cost Estimate page which contains an Image and it's name changes continuously. I parametrized as mentioned above but it is not working.

I am also attaching the code for this.

Browser("Works Information Management").Page("Works Information Management").Frame("Frame").Link("Cost Estimate").Click
Browser("Works Information Management").Page("Works Information Management").Frame("Frame_2").Image("javascript:OpenEstimate(8770,1").Click

It changed from Image("javascript:OpenEstimate(8770,1") to Image("^javascript:OpenEstimate(\d+$")

After parametrization in Object Repository the code changed automatically but not working.
I even tried Image("javascript:OpenEstimate(.*")

I turn on smart identification also before running the script.
Please help me.

Attached Files Image(s)
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Can Anybody help me for my situation
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Can you please check if the Frame has any unique property such as a name/title or any value in the innertext or innerhtml that you can use for handling the dynamic frame. Look for unique properties on both Identification/Native properties secton of the Object Spy.

Not Solved
I am attaching the screen shot for my problem. Also i am attaching the Object spy screen shot.
Please help me In this regard.

Attached Files Image(s)
Not Solved

Use filename and index property to identify your image object and for frame use html tag, html id, title if these are not changing.
Not Solved
The file name property didn't worked as 2 similar Icons present in the page. I am also not found Index property in the Spy.

Please help me on this.

I found another solution for the problem but i don't have idea on doing this. Need Help on this.
I can get the value (8770,1) from database query ==> ("javascript:OpenEstimate(8770,1")

My Situation is as below
first i have to get a value from Text Box 'x/xxx/xxxx' and i have to store some where, I am storing that in data table or i can store in a variable (ExTongue) ==> This i achieved and i am able to store the value in variable p or in datatable.

Later on I have to fire a query in the database and should pass the value in to Query => Select ID, NumID from Costestimate where ReqID= 'P'
Then i can get the value => (8770,1)
Then i have to do descriptive programming to click on the Yellow Icon.
Please help me on my Situation. By providing the code. My database is SQLServer

I Don't know how to do but i tried this after that please help me

Dim MyConnection, ConnectionString
Set MyConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnectionString = Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=Ramesh; Initial Catalog=ProdDB;User Id=sa;Password=sa@123
Set MyRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
MyRecordSet.Open "Select ID, NumID from Costestimate where ReqID= 'P' "

But how can i pass P(value) in to that Query
and i have to get the Database query result in to the QTP application
and i have to concatenate the rest of the string(javascript:OpenEstimate) to that value,
Then i have to click on the Yellow Icon
Not Solved
q="Select ID, NumID from Costestimate where ReqID= '"&p&"'"

MyRecordSet.Open q

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