If I record in QTP-10 for clicking on a web tab page I am getting the below type of code.
But Frame is Dynamic & name changes always as Frame_1, Frame _2….etc.
I changed the code as below using Spy
I am getting error while executing.
I even tried below code:
I am attaching the error Screen Shot & Spy screen
Please help me ASAP.
Browser("Works Information Management").Page("Works Information Management").Frame("Frame").Link("Cost Estimate").Click
But Frame is Dynamic & name changes always as Frame_1, Frame _2….etc.
I changed the code as below using Spy
Browser("title:=Works Information Management System").Page("title:=Works Information Management System").Frame("micclass:=Frame").Link("title:=Cost Estimate").Click
I am getting error while executing.
I even tried below code:
Browser("title:=Works Information Management System").page("title:=Works Information Management System").Frame("micclass:=Frame").webtable("column names:=Add New Work;").Link("innertext:=Cost Estimate").WebElement("innerhtml:=Cost Estimate").Click
I am attaching the error Screen Shot & Spy screen
Please help me ASAP.