Hi All,
I'm automating a flex application. In my application, I've a browser button which is identifying as flexButton. I need to click on that browser button and then browse a file.
I've written the following code:
The click method is not working here. When I user the click method, logically QTP is clicking on the button but the event is not fired. The alternative that I've is to click on mouse co-ordinates. Currently we're using that for the time being.
This issue is specific to this button. All other flexButtons are working fine.
Can anyone suggest me is there any way that I can click on this flexbutton instead of using the co-ordinates which will fail.
as a workaround, I'm using the below function:
Many thanks in advance.
I'm automating a flex application. In my application, I've a browser button which is identifying as flexButton. I need to click on that browser button and then browse a file.
I've written the following code:
Browser("browser").page("page").FlexApplication("app").FlexTitleWindow("titlewindow").FlexForm("form").FlexButton("Select files to add::Browse...").Click
The click method is not working here. When I user the click method, logically QTP is clicking on the button but the event is not fired. The alternative that I've is to click on mouse co-ordinates. Currently we're using that for the time being.
This issue is specific to this button. All other flexButtons are working fine.
Can anyone suggest me is there any way that I can click on this flexbutton instead of using the co-ordinates which will fail.
as a workaround, I'm using the below function:
Function fnClickBrowseButton(ObjectHier, XCoOrd, YCoOrd)
set wshObj = createobject("WScript.Shell")
Set device = createobject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
On error resume next
wshObj.AppActivate "Dashboard"
device.MouseClick XCoOrd,YCoOrd, LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON
wshObj.SendKeys "{SPACEBAR}"
set wshObj = nothing
Set device = nothing
on error goto 0
End Function
Many thanks in advance.