03-07-2012, 12:27 PM
I want my code to b as dynamic as possible, here is my code
here, in line 1 and 2, I have declared a property so that i can click on button using its index (1) without specifying its title, I want to do the same for the windows object, where i have to specify the title of the window "AKAM Application". The problem is that i need JavaWindow's parent class some how so that i could get it children and specify the Class Name to be javaWindow and get my desired object, but either QTP does not catch it parent, or there isnt any at all, later is possible case. Is there any way that i can get objects of all opened windows and the specify javaWindow and get my desired window? I have tried following code but it does not work, probably because my application's window does not show "JavaWindow" in its title bar, i'm not sure
Kindly Help!
Set buttonDesc = Description.Create()
buttonDesc("Class Name").Value = "JavaButton"
Set reqButton = JavaWindow("AKAM Application").ChildObjects(buttonDesc)
text = reqButton(1).GetROProperty("label")
JavaWindow("AKAM Application").JavaButton(text).Click
here, in line 1 and 2, I have declared a property so that i can click on button using its index (1) without specifying its title, I want to do the same for the windows object, where i have to specify the title of the window "AKAM Application". The problem is that i need JavaWindow's parent class some how so that i could get it children and specify the Class Name to be javaWindow and get my desired object, but either QTP does not catch it parent, or there isnt any at all, later is possible case. Is there any way that i can get objects of all opened windows and the specify javaWindow and get my desired window? I have tried following code but it does not work, probably because my application's window does not show "JavaWindow" in its title bar, i'm not sure
Dim WinDesc
Set WinDesc = Description.Create
WinDesc("nativeclass").Value = "JavaWindow"
Set WinChildren =Desktop.ChildObjects(WinDesc)
msgbox WinChildren.count
For i = 0 to WinChildren.Count - 1
winText = WinChildren(i).GetROProperty("label")
msgbox winText
Kindly Help!