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QTP - FLEX Automation
Solved: 11 Years, 8 Months ago

I am very much new to QTP world and couple on queries on how QTP can be used for FLEX automation. Our UI has been developed using Flex and we are considering QTP can be used for automation. Please provide me with your inputs on following: -

1) What all browsers support does QTP have for Flex automation ? I need to run same test cases on multiple browsers like IE, firefox, chrome, safari etc. So does QTP automation for FLEX support all these browsers ?

2) Can I run my tests on remote machines from QTP. Say i develop automation on 1 machine. Can I run my tests on remote machines which has those different browsers installed ?

3) Does QTP provide record and play for all FLEX objects ?

4) As of know we are using C# to automate test cases. So does QTP provide support for running c# test cases for FLEX on different browsers.

Really appreciate all your help.

Solved: 11 Years, 8 Months ago
first of all, always try to keep one query per thread in future
answer to your questions -

What all browsers support does QTP have for Flex automation ? I need to run same test cases on multiple browsers like IE, firefox, chrome, safari etc. So does QTP automation for FLEX support all these browsers ?

- I have not worked on chrome and Safari yet, but yes QTP supports IE and firefox. you will need to have flex addin installed with QTP.

Can I run my tests on remote machines from QTP. Say i develop automation on 1 machine. Can I run my tests on remote machines which has those different browsers installed ?
-Yes there are various ways of doing so, search this forum for your answers

As of know we are using C# to automate test cases. So does QTP provide support for running c# test cases for FLEX on different browsers.
-How does a C# test case look like? I would really like to know How you are using C# to automate test cases.

Solved: 11 Years, 8 Months ago

I have a sample flex application developed using Flex 3.0 on Flex Builder. Now I am using QTP to record and play test cases on that sample flex application and it is working fine.

But when i use QTP to detect Flex application on remote machine, it does not record anything.
I am opening browser and giving it as "http://machineip/qtp" and it is opening the app and i could do manual testing but i cannot record anything in QTP.

Please provide ur inputs on how to record test cases on remote machine.

Solved: 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Not sure, what could be the issue. but you can make sure following and see if works
- you have flex and web addin properly loaded
- you have launched QTP first and then your application

Solved: 11 Years, 8 Months ago
I have flex 3.0 application and using QTP 9.2 to test my flex application. I installed flash player debug version for IE, Flex Builder 3, QTP plugin of flex from FLEX_BUILDER3/Installers/QTP_Plugin_Installer.
After installing above, i need to compile my flex application and application's SWF file and need to generate the HTML wrapper files.

Can u explain me above these two steps that how can i compile flex application? And how can i compile application's SWF file ? And how HTML wrapper files will be generated and where it will be used?

Looking forward for ur response.

Thanks in advance

Solved: 11 Years, 8 Months ago

I am trying to automate a Flex application.
I have QTP10 and Flex4.5 plug in.
I am still not able to record the Flex application and also not able to spy the Flex objects.

Can some one please tell me what am I missing here.
Any kind of help is appreciated.

Thank you,

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