I see people get confused before registering for QTP Certification exams. Once they decide to get certification in QTP, they get confused to take ASE or AIS ?
Asking experienced people who already passed ASE or AIS exams and people who have clear picture of those, please give us the difference and advantages of ASE v/s AIS.
Also please provide the market requirement for ASE & AIS, and which one is good for what experience level.
If you can post related to ASE & AIS only, will be great help for all readers.
Asking experienced people who already passed ASE or AIS exams and people who have clear picture of those, please give us the difference and advantages of ASE v/s AIS.
Also please provide the market requirement for ASE & AIS, and which one is good for what experience level.
If you can post related to ASE & AIS only, will be great help for all readers.