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QTP 9.2 .Net
Not Solved
I am running QTP 9.2 with .net and ActiveX addins. The click in the code does not work consistently. When it errors, I get "object not found". Does anyone have any ideas on the problem?

Function fnClickKeyPadKey(strKeyName)

    Dim objswfWinDesc, objswfWinColl
    Dim objswfObjDesc, objswfObjColl
    strFound = False
    If Window(POS).Window(Keypad).Exist Then
        Set objswfWinDesc = Description.Create()
        objswfWinDesc("swftypename").Value = "FLIBCustomControlBridgeNet.ButtonWindow"

        Set objswfWinColl = Window(POS).Window(Keypad).ChildObjects(objswfWinDesc)
        For i = 0 to objswfWinColl.Count-1
            Set objswfObjDesc = Description.Create()
            objswfObjDesc("swftypename").Value = "FLIBCustomControlBridgeNet.ButtonControl"

            Set objswfObjColl = objswfWinColl(i).ChildObjects(objswfObjDesc)
            If objswfObjColl.Count = 1 Then
                strName = objswfObjColl(0).GetROProperty("text")
                strActualName = UCase(Replace(Replace(Replace(Trim(strName), VbCrLf, " "), VbTab, " "), " ", ""))
                strExpectedName = UCase(Replace(Replace(Replace(Trim(strKeyName), VbCrLf, " "), VbTab, " "), " ", ""))
                If  strActualName = strExpectedName  Then

                    objswfWinColl(i).Click 1, 1
                    strFound = True
                    Set objswfObjDesc = Nothing
                    Set objswfObjColl = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
            Set objswfObjDesc = Nothing
            Set objswfObjColl = Nothing

        If strFound Then
             fnClickKeyPadKey = True
            fnClickKeyPadKey = False
        End If
          Set objswfWinDesc = Nothing
          Set objswfWinColl = Nothing
        Print  "The Parent Object not found"            
    End If
End Function
Not Solved

Just replace Dim by Public in your code.
Dim objswfWinDesc, objswfWinColl
    Dim objswfObjDesc, objswfObjColl

Public objswfWinDesc, objswfWinColl
    Public objswfObjDesc, objswfObjColl

It worked for me when I was getting this kind of error for some other scenerio.
Not Solved
Thank you, I will give it a try.
Not Solved

I am also trying to execute QTP test cases from .net

I have following scenerio
Machines A and B.
Machine A has Test Scripts and related libraries.
Machine B has only QTP installed.

I have created a .vbs file on Machine A which launches QTP on Machine B and run Test cases of Machine A.

I want to execute this .vbs file from VSTS.

Do you have any idea how to do this.

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