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QTP 11.5 Install, Pulling my hair out. HELP!
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
So I decided to learn QTP 7 days ago.

I am fairly good with computers and went ahead and installed windows server 2008 64 bit virtual machine (virtualbox) on my laptop. I also installed successfully Quality Center 11.0 which is working great.

But when it comes to QTP installation I have just no luck.

I have so far downloaded QTP 11.0 3 times (2.8 GB each) but this installation package just would not unzip because of the corrupt files in this zip so that turned out to be a complete disaster.

I then noticed the new version 11.5 and much to my delight I was able to download the .iso and extract it without no errors! So on windows server 2008 Standard 64 bit edition when I run the QTP 11.5 set up it installs the prerequisites file but then pops up with an error.

"This installation package could not be opened". Please contact the vendor.

I seriously thought that windows 2008 is jinxed so I decided to install windows xp virtual machine and the QTP again will not install and result in the same error.


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Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Please see if this helps
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Ravi,

Thanks for your suggestion.

I have done everything as per instructions.

In the installation Step 2
double click on [undefined=undefined]Setup.exe[/undefined] file to start the installation.

this is where I get the error mentioned above.

Yes everything is done as per instructions. But get this error message.

Interestingly it's the same message on 2 different operating systems.

1. Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit
2. Windows XP 64 bit with SP3.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
In all probably you have a corrupted download. Use the checksum to validate your download.
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Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Ankur,

I was finally able to install the QTP on windows xp sp3 64 bit. I was earlier using but then created a fresh virtual machine using vmware keeping in mind the hardware requirements of the operating system.

I ensured that I have atleast 2 GB RAM, 64MB video memory.

I get the error "Program too big to fit in memory" while trying to open QTP.

A further research on Google suggest that the downloaded file could be corrupt.

I was wondering how an .iso file can be corrupted as it extracted okay. Will try to redownload and extract again.

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
(12-27-2012, 08:01 AM)vicbitter Wrote: I was wondering how an .iso file can be corrupted as it extracted okay. Will try to redownload and extract again.

The only way to verify that is matching of checksum.
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Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Will try the checksum next.

But I think I am onto something here...

I ditched further attempts to install QTP on the Windows XP SP2 64 bit virtual machine and went back to the Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit virtual machine.

I was able to install the QTP.

1. First I tried to execute the setup file and it wont run because of compatibility error.

2. Then I browsed to the Unified Functional Testing Folder, then MSI, and then executing the Unified_Functional_Testing_x64 file, the installation went smoothly..

But when I try to run the UTF.exe shortcut file on desktop I get an compatibility error.

I don't understand why this is. I specifically ran the x64 MSI file so why is it telling me that my install is not compatible?

Will appreciate further comments!

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Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
@vicbitter I suggest you to check the compatibility with Product Availability Matrix(PAM) you have downloaded with the software.
Also, I'm sure you know this method but just in case, this is for all those who wish to verify the integrity of their downloaded QTP/UFT files using MD5 Checksum. Here is the procedure.
Want to fast track your QTP/UFT Learning? Join our UFT Training Course
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thanks Ankur. I decided to redownload the QTP 11.5. The file size was much smaller than earlier downloaded file indicating problem with QTP file hosted on the HP server perhaps?

I am able to install QTP now.

Of topic question, how long does it usually take one to learn QTP to pass through the interview?


Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Ankur,

I have a question related to 11.5 UFT thought it would fit in his thread better, I have followed all the steps as per the free trial download of HP UFT 11.5 and after installation when trying to open the tool, I was being asked to enter the license information for even Trail period (30 days) which I don't have anywhere in email from HP or during tool trial download also!

After reading forums I had looked for file 'lservrc' which would have license information but I did not find it anywhere on my laptop after installation. I have followed all the instructions carefully, not sure what is missing here? please suggest.


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