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Hi Techies,

I need to pull the total number of passed test cases, number of test cases in not completed status, and number of test cases in no run status into MS Excel.
Post pulling the number of test cases in passed, not completed and no run status into Excel I need to draw a Bar graph ( Bar graph should be auto-created once all the numbers are pulled into Excel)
The bar graph should have the above 3 components along with the daily target completion of the test cases.
Once this is done, an email has to automatically delivered to the designated recipients on a daily basis.
I guess I need to create a connection between Quality Center and MS-Excel first to pull the number of test cases in passed, not completed and no run status, later a graph has to be auto-created.
Once this is done maybe I need to create a QTP script which pulls the bar graph from MS-Excel and sends an email on daily basis to the designated recipients say at 5:30PM.
I am not sure whether I should think of creating a QTP script or a macro in Excel to send the email on a daily basis.

I have a rough idea regarding what all needs to be done, but I am not exactly sure how this is to be done.
Your help/suggestions would be appreciated.


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