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Problem with Capturing objects(DropDown,Table) in SAP application
Not Solved
Hi All,

This is first time I am automating SAP application, I Installed SAP Add-in for automating the SAP application.
SAP application details are as follows:
Portal : NetViewer Portal
Developed Languages : ABAP and Java

My problem:

1. Capturing DropDown:
I tried to capture dropdown object with Object repository but it shows as 2 WebEdit(TextBoxes). one for to set the value and one for selecting the drop down. I tried to set the value for the first WebEdit but it shows as Object is disabled.

2. Select values in the table:
I have a table with 3 columns where first column to select the row, secound describes about the row value and third column shows the value applicable for the pirticular user.
Problem is I am not able to select the first column I tried in the following way:
a) Select the child objects of the table and get the RunTime properties.
b) First column values shows as class = WebElement and text = "Selection Area".
c) so I created a Description object by using class = WebElement and text = "Selection Area"
d)Tried to click on the selected webelement.
e)Here from the script it displays as Web Element is clicked but in the application it is not clicking on the web element.

3. Inserting the value to the text box. Probelm is while Inserting the value to the text box it is displaying as Object is disabled(This problem exist only for one text box in the application. I have used the following code for enabling the text box and inserting the value as follows:

Browser("V").Page("V").SAPFrame("V").WebEdit("t").Object.disabled = False
Browser("Vedlikehold tidsdata -").Page("Vedlikehold tidsdata").SAPFrame("Vedlikehold tidsdata").WebEdit("txtLeaveType").Click
Browser("V").Page("V").SAPFrame("V").WebEdit("t").Set strLeaveType

But still it is not working.

Please help me on above 3 problems.
Not Solved

Could some one help me on this this Please, I am waiting for the reply...
Not Solved
Hi SaranKumar,
Please find below code for Click_webElement in Portal ,I used same function for my SAP portal project...............

Public Function fn_Portal_ClickWebElement_Page(strPageTitle,strWebElementHtmlId_InnerText)
'*Variable Declarations
Dim objBrowser,objPage,objAllBrowser,objPortal,objWebElement
'*Browser Object
    Set objBrowser = Description.Create
    objBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
    '*Get all browsers object
    Set objAllBrowser = Desktop.ChildObjects(objBrowser)
'*Page Object
    Set objPage = Description.Create
    objPage("micclass").Value = "Page"
    objPage("title").Value = strPageTitle
'*Portal Object
    Set objPortal = Description.Create
    objPortal("micclass").Value = "SAPPortal"
'*Web Element Object
    Set objWebElement = Description.Create
    objWebElement("micclass").Value = "WebElement"
    objWebElement("html id").Value = strWebElementHtmlId_InnerText

'*Look for the web element and click if it exists
If Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).Page(objPage).Exist(0) Then
    If Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).Page(objPage).WebElement(objWebElement).Exist(0) Then
       Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).Page(objPage).WebElement(objWebElement).click
             '*Web Element Object
            Set objWebElement = Description.Create
            objWebElement("micclass").Value = "WebElement"
            objWebElement("innertext").Value = strWebElementHtmlId_InnerText
            If Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).Page(objPage).WebElement(objWebElement).Exist(0) Then
                Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).Page(objPage).WebElement(objWebElement).click
            End if
    End if
ElseIf Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).SAPPortal(objPortal).Exist(0) Then  
    If Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).SAPPortal(objPortal).WebElement(objWebElement).Exist(0) Then
       Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).SAPPortal(objPortal).WebElement(objWebElement).click
             '*Web Element Object
            Set objWebElement = Description.Create
            objWebElement("micclass").Value = "WebElement"
            objWebElement("innertext").Value = strWebElementHtmlId_InnerText
            If Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).SAPPortal(objPortal).WebElement(objWebElement).Exist(0) Then
                Browser("creationtime:=" & objAllBrowser.Count - 1).SAPPortal(objPortal).WebElement(objWebElement).click
            End if
    End if
End if

'*Releasing variables
    Set objBrowser=Nothing
    Set objPage=Nothing
    Set objAllBrowser=Nothing
    Set objPortal=Nothing
    Set objWebElement=Nothing

End Function

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