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Perform iteration as per the number of files available in a folder
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Hi All,

I am a newbie in QTP. I am trying to automate some part of my test.

Please have a look on the following code.

Function readTextFromFile(pathToFile)
Set fso = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(pathToFile) = True Then
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(pathToFile, 1)
readTextFromFile = f.ReadAll
End If
End Function
text = readTextFromFile("Path of file")
Set clipboard = createobject("mercury.clipboard") //Thanks to inborntester
SwfWindow("MyApplication").SwfEditor("xmlTextBox").Type micCtrlDwn + "v" + micCtrlUp

In the above code, am reading a file and writing this to a variable "text".
Then copying this to my application text area and submits.
Similarly i want to read other files from this folder util the last file.
Like this i have five folders. If i select option 1 in my application i have to read files from 1st folder, after that i have to select option 2 in my application and then folder has to changed to 2nd folder. Will i be able to include all these 5 otpions within a program or i have to write 5 different pgm.

Do i have to use vb script or any QTP logic is there to iterate. I have aware of some terminologies like parameterization.

Your time and advices are much appreciated. Thanks in advance all..

If am posting in the wrong thread, kindly pardon.

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago
' assume that folder1, folder2, folder3, folder4, folder5 are the five folders located in  the root folder c:\folder
'  option1, option2, option3, option4, option5  are the corresponding options for above folders

' replace your root folder

set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' replace the below code with your application specific code from you get  option
selectedoption=inputbox("enter option as option1 or option2 or option3 or option4 or option5")

Set folderoption = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

' replace options and folder name as per your need
folderoption.Add "option1", "folder1"
folderoption.Add "option2", "folder2"
folderoption.Add "option3", "folder3"
folderoption.Add "option4", "folder4"
folderoption.Add "option5", "folder5"

set oFolder = oFS.GetFolder(rootfolder&"\"&folderoption.item(selectedoption))


Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
  For each folderIdx In OFiles

    text = readTextFromFile(oFolder&"\"&folderIdx.Name)
    Set clipboard = createobject("mercury.clipboard")
     SwfWindow("MyApplication").SwfEditor("xmlTextBox").Type micCtrlDwn + "v" + micCtrlUp


Function readTextFromFile(pathToFile)
Set fso = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(pathToFile) = True Then
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(pathToFile, 1)
readTextFromFile = f.ReadAll
End If
End Function

i attached the folder i used. remove all the msgbox codes, i have used for tracking purpose.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Hey thanks yaar...i used d above code with some modification...working fine now..Smile

Best Regards

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