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Passing Object to Function
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
I need to pass an object to a function and wait until it no longer exists - as it is not saved until the popup has disappeared.
I need to set a time out for the popup displaying to stop looking after a certain time
This is required on many different panels / popup, so I want the same code to work just based on a same browser, different page, different heading on popup

I have tried the following but it does not reset the .exist line, so the value never changes to false
Function waitToBeSaved(strObject) – being Browser(BrowserName).Page(PageName). object (popup header)

Dim strObject                           'to hold page object description
Dim intCounter                         'to store loop counter value
Dim strFinished                             'to store page existence value

intCounter = 0
strFinished = strObject.Exist
Do While  (intCounter <10) OR (strFinished = True)
             strFinished = strObject.Exist(1)
             intCounter = intCounter+1
If intCounter = 10 Then
      Reporter.ReportEvent micFail........
      Exit Test
End If
End Function

This works fine outside of the function
Do I need to Set the object??
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago Wink 
This solution is working - worked it out myself.

'Wait for save to finish


Function WaitForSave(theObj)
timeSpent = 0
waitTimeOut = 20
Set tempObj = theObj 'example: (Browser("PDCS").Page("A").WebElement("Popup"))
Do While tempObj.Exist(0)
  If timespent = waitTimeOut Then
   Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Wait for Save", "Waiting for save to finalise and has not completed in " & timeSpent & " seconds. Need to check why it has not saved. Test will stop"
      Wait 1
    timeSpent = timeSpent + 1
  End If
End Function
Solved: 6 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Just in case anyone is looking - this also works 
This is waiting for the object to appear and waits till it does, or drops out if it doesn't appear after a certain time

Function WaitForResult(theObj)
 timeSpent = 0
 waitTimeOut = 20
 Set tempObj = theObj 'example: Browser("PD").Page("SearchPage").WebTable("Results Table")
 Do While tempObj.Exist(0) = False
  If timespent = waitTimeOut Then
   Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Wait for Result", "Waiting for a result to occur and has not appeared in " & timeSpent & " seconds. Need to check why it has not saved. Test will stop"
      Wait 1
    timeSpent = timeSpent + 1
  End If
End Function

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