Can anybody tell me how to use Regular Expression for "Oracle Forms' please.
{Though it focus on second line, it is switching back to first line and entering data in first line itself thereby overwriting on existing data}
Above I pasted sample code.
After every single line of code, I will parametrize data through global sheet. Problem am facing is that; after first iteration is completed, the values should be entered in new line but QTP rewrites the value on the first line itself.
I tried using regular expression through OR (Object repository) by entering different combinations such as .* and \n and \w and [a-z,A-z,0-9]. But it didn't help.
So pls tell me how to make QTP to enter values in new lines in Oracle Form.
Can anybody tell me how to use Regular Expression for "Oracle Forms' please.
Quote:OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item").Enter(After this step QTP will focus on Second line in Oracle form)
OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").SelectMenu "File->New"
{Though it focus on second line, it is switching back to first line and entering data in first line itself thereby overwriting on existing data}
Quote:OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_2").Enter
Above I pasted sample code.
After every single line of code, I will parametrize data through global sheet. Problem am facing is that; after first iteration is completed, the values should be entered in new line but QTP rewrites the value on the first line itself.
I tried using regular expression through OR (Object repository) by entering different combinations such as .* and \n and \w and [a-z,A-z,0-9]. But it didn't help.
So pls tell me how to make QTP to enter values in new lines in Oracle Form.