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Obtaining sub-row (or band) information within an Infragistics Grid
Not Solved
I am looking for a way to walk through an object's sub-rows (or bands).

In the code below I am able to get a count of the main rows without a problem (RowCount) and can even properly determine which ones are hidden (HiddenRow). The problem comes when I'm trying to identify the sub-rows. I read that I can properly get the sub-row counts by activating the row and then getting the RowCount again, but that's as far as I can get. The Hidden SubRow code below is garbage, so I'm not sure where to go from here. Any assistance possible would be much appreciated!

Here is the code:
Set Grid = WpfWindow("Intergy EHR").SwfObject("SwfObject").SwfTable("ugTaskDetails")

RowCount = Grid.GetNAProperty("Rows.Count") - 1
msgbox RowCount

For i = 0 to RowCount

    HiddenRow = Grid.object.Rows.Item(i).hidden
    If not  HiddenRow Then                     
        Grid.ActivateRow i & ";0"
        WpfWindow("Intergy EHR").SwfObject("SwfObject").SwfTable("ugTaskDetails").RefreshObject

        Set SubGrid = WpfWindow("Intergy EHR").SwfObject("SwfObject").SwfTable("ugTaskDetails")
        SubRowCount = SubGrid.RowCount

        For j = 0 to SubRowCount - 1

            SubRow = i & ";" &j

            HiddenSubRow = SubGrid.Object.Rows.Item(j).hidden
            msgbox HiddenSubRow
            HiddenSubRows = 0
            If HiddenSubRow Then
                HiddenSubRows = HiddenSubRows + 1
            End If
        msgbox HiddenSubRows & " of them are hidden"

    End if    
Not Solved
Please ensure to include your code between [code] tags while asking or replying to questions. I have done this for you for this time.

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