Not recognizing the steps in qtp
1. Open an IE browser
2. Click File / Import and double-click on Add Files button. Select the MS Word document from the desktop
3. Click Next and then Finish. The document should be imported successfully.
Below is the code I get for step 2 and 3.
1. Open an IE browser
2. Click File / Import and double-click on Add Files button. Select the MS Word document from the desktop
3. Click Next and then Finish. The document should be imported successfully.
Below is the code I get for step 2 and 3.
Browser("Documentum Compliance").Page("Documentum Compliance_2").Frame("content").WebElement("Import").Click
Browser("Documentum Compliance").Page("Documentum Compliance_2").Frame("Frame").WinObject("Inactive Control").Click
Browser("Documentum Compliance").Page("Documentum Compliance_2").ActiveX("Java Plug-in").WinObject("SunAwtCanvas").Click
(I do double click on the button titled “Add files” in the window pop-up . I couldn’t see the “Add files” button I the code.)
Browser("Documentum Compliance").Window("Select Files").Click 146,139
(I have selected a ms word file titled as sample.doc. But it is not shown in the code)